Category: Dog Health & Wellbeing

Supplements for Dogs
Dog Health & Wellbeing

Supplements for Dogs

Giving supplements to dogs is becoming increasingly popular but is it actually necessary?
The companies selling them would certainly like us to think so but they have their interest in a very lucrative market!

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Ticks on dogs
Dog Health & Wellbeing

Removing Ticks from Dogs

Bloodthirsty ticks can be difficult to spot once they’ve buried themselves into your pet’s fur and latched onto the skin. The problem is ticks can transmit infectious diseases, such as Lyme disease, which can cause serious symptoms in dogs (this disease can also affect us if we get bitten by an infected tick).

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plants poisonous to dogs
Dog Health & Wellbeing

Garden Plants Poisonous to Dogs

Dogs and especially cheeky puppies are curious by nature and they often explore through their mouths and tummies! When they see us digging in the garden and hiding things for them (in their view) they are often too keen to help!

Unfortunately, many plants commonly found in our gardens are poisonous to dogs. They can cause wide-ranging problems, be it a simple upset stomach to serious health problems, even death.

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How to choose healthy dog treats
Dog Health & Wellbeing

How to choose healthy dog treats

When it comes to dog treats and chews, there is an overwhelming number of treats to choose from. Some claim to be natural or organic, others are long-lasting, or promote dental health or they simply look cute. But how do you choose wisely when there is just so much to choose from?!

Hopefully, this article will help you a little.

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Rawhide dog chews
Dog Health & Wellbeing

Rawhide in the Spotlight

Rawhide – do you love it or hate it? do you know where to start with it? You heard it’s bad but equally your dogs have had it for years and they seem OK.

Are you just confused by all the bad press on rawhide and equally you see products claiming to be good-rawhide-chews?! Yes we get it, it is a rather confusing and frustrating subject.

Read on and it will all get a bit clearer!

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why do dogs eat poop
Dog Behaviour and Training

Why do dogs eat poop?

One of the most common issues for dogs is stool-eating, which is known as coprophagia. There are several reasons why a dog may eat poop, and they can all lead to this challenging habit. However, most reasons can be narrowed down to two categories: behaviour and nutrition/medical.

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Dental care for dogs
Dog Health & Wellbeing

Dental Care for Dogs

Did you know that by the time dogs are 3, 80% of them have some form of dental health problems?!

Dental hygiene for dogs is just as important as for human. And prevention is better, easier and cheaper! It’s more fun for your dog and it will save you £100s if not £1,000s in vet bills! You need to take steps from a young age to ensure healthy teeth and lack of diseases for a long time!

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Debunking dog food
Dog Health & Wellbeing

Debunking dog food labels

Food labels – be it human or canine food – can be very confusing and often manufacturers are happy for you to be confused as they can hide the ‘not-so-healthy’ ingredients under mysterious names.

Let’s look at what these are on dog food labels and how you can make an informed decision when buying dog food.

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Chomp & Chew Vegetables for Dogs
Dog Health & Wellbeing

Vegetables for Dogs

Whilst dogs should not be kept on a vegetarian or vegan diet, supplementing their diet with vegetables is a good idea as they are full of antioxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals. But what are the top choices? How best to feed them? are there some that you should avoid?
Read the article to find out more!

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